WURAWA WORKS Co.Ltd. sets a management philosophy of coming up to customers' expectation with grinding manufacturing technology. In its business activities, ranging from manufacturing automobile steering systems to all the activities while manufacturing precision machinery components mainly used machine tools, products themselves and services it provides, it tries to continually minimize the burden on the environment and actively contributes to preserve the area around the factory cites and the earth.
- Our company accurately assesses the impact on the environment of all the activities at URAWA and the products and services we provide. URAWA sets the environmental goal it can technologically and financially achieve and regularly reexamines the goal. Our company makes every effort to prevent pollution and continually improves its environmental management system.
- Our company complies with laws, regulations, agreements and other documents we have consented to in relation to the environment, and conduct our own conservational activities in order to preserve the earth we live on.
- In terms of the environmental impact of the activities at our company and products and services we provide, we prioritize the following themes of environment management.
- Energy-saving measures by reducing the quantity of electricity consumed
- Resource saving by reducing use of cutting-oil
- Reducing waste (iron, aluminum)
- Promoting recycling and reducing CO2 emissions
4. Above-mentioned “Environmental Policy” will be fully communicated to all employees and put on Urawa’s website.
Yukio Moriya President and CEO WURAWA WORKS Co., Ltd.
October 1 2009.10.1
Our company obtained ISO14001 certification in 2009.
ISO14001 Certification Mark
Registered Certification Number: 06309
Registered Company: URAWA WORKS Co. Ltd.
118, Toriba-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma